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Silcare Negler

Akrylvæske til negler, 12 g Silcare Sequent Lux Acryl

Akrylvæske til negler, 12 g - Silcare Sequent Lux Acryl	 — Foto N1
Akrylvæske til negler, 12 g - Silcare Sequent Lux Acryl	 — Foto N2
Akrylvæske til negler, 12 g - Silcare Sequent Lux Acryl	 — Foto N3
Akrylvæske til negler, 12 g - Silcare Sequent Lux Acryl	 — Foto Dekke
90.25 kr.
0 kr.
+Alle farger (3)
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produkt-ID: 490027
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  • Alder: 18+
    Volum: 12 g
    Klassifisering: massemarked
    Land: Polen
    Laget i: Polen
  • 1. Shape and buff nails, then clean them thoroughly with a disinfectant and degreaser. If any creams or oils were used, they should be cleaned away in addition to dust particles.

    2. Remove the cuticle with an orangewood stick or any other cuticle pusher. Find the right size tips for your nail.

    3. Place a dab of glue on the tip from side to side and apply it to your natural nail so that the bottom edge of the acrylic tip is centered halfway down the surface of your nail. Hold it in place for five seconds to allow the glue to dry. Do that on all 10 nails.

    4. Cut the nails to preferred length and file to your desired shape.

    5. Buff the surface of your nails. Wipe off the excess dust and degrease. Let it air dry for 1 minute and apply a nail primer to remove the remaining moisture and oils from your nails to ensure a good adhesion. If they remain on your nails, the acrylic won't stick.

    6. Prepare the acrylic materials. Pour the liquid acrylic and powder into two separate dishes.  Dip the brush into the acrylic dish. Run it through the acrylic powder so that a small, moist ball collects on the end. Apply the acrylic mixture to your nails. Flatten the acrylic ball over the line and brush it down to the tip. Spread it quickly and smoothly, so that the transition between your natural nail and the acrylic tip is smooth. Repeat the procedure with all ten nails.

    7. Let the acrylic dry. It should only take about ten minutes before the acrylic is completely set. Test it by tapping the surface of your nail with the handle of your acrylic brush. If it makes a clicking sound, it's ready for the next step.

    8. Shape the tips. Now that the acrylic has set, use a coarse nail file to shape the tips and file them to the length you want. Use a buffer.

    9. Apply a coat of colored nail polish, gel polish or UV-Coat. Use a UV lamp when necessary. Finish off by moisturizing the skin around the nails with a cuticle oil.

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Gratis levering over 199 kroner 100% autentiske produkter! Akrylvæske til negler, 12 g - Silcare Sequent Lux Acryl

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